
Archive for March, 2007

is this where it starts to get fun?

March 28, 2007 3 comments

It’s Wednesday. It’s not quite 5 pm. And I have finished all the major projects I had to do for the EA.

Oh, don’t get me wrong–we still have “meetings” tonight, tomorrow, Friday, and Saturday. ((This is my lame attempt to somewhat disguise what the EA is. I’m not sure it’s worth it, but it’s kind of fun for now.)) And I have to be at those meetings and do some fairly important stuff related to those meetings. But I had a bunch of other duties, too, things that didn’t involve me showing up and participating, things that were just MY responsibility. And those? Those are DONE. It feels pretty good.

Of course, I had to take a day off to get them done. I promise I’ll catch up on my reading this weekend, though.

Categories: 2L

an update

March 27, 2007 1 comment

I feel like I haven’t posted in a while, but I think that’s more because I have been so busy this week–isn’t there something up for yesterday? I think there is.

This week is production week for the EA ((Extracurricular Activity)) and things have been interesting. They started out sort of bad, and then they got better, and then I thought they got worse, but they didn’t really, and then they got really really better tonight. Really, given how yesterday and this morning went, tonight was a ticker tape parade.

Meanwhile, I am falling behind in my reading, which is too bad–I actually enjoy most of my reading this semester. Or maybe it’s just that I understand it better. In any case, I don’t like being unprepared for class, but I dislike missing class, so I’ve been going and trying to follow along and that’s sort of happening, but sort of not. So, eh.

There’s something invigorating about being busy and all, but I am also exhausted. I miss my dog, my husband, my home, my bed. I miss being relaxed but that’s probably more a function of the EA coming so directly after spring break.

Categories: 2L, just me

Weekly Law School Roundup #63

March 26, 2007 Comments off

Welcome to this week’s Law School Roundup, the “Law School As…” edition. It’s not terribly creative, but I’m buried right now. And only one person sent me a submission.

And that’s it for this week’s Roundup! Look for it next week at Evan Schaeffer’s Legal Underground and, in two weeks, right back here. Also feel free to look at older Roundups in the Law School Roundup category.

Categories: Law School Roundup

Sunday night update

March 25, 2007 Comments off

I’m HOOOOOOOOOOME! Yay! The dog even remembers me! Hoorah!

Categories: just me

1? check. 2? check. 3? check?

March 23, 2007 Comments off

As of right now, I have, officially, done everything I was supposed to do over break. Don’t get me wrong–I still have TONS of work to do to COMPLETE the tasks on my agenda, but they have all been started and are either as finished as they can be at this point or have progressed to the point that I can not worry about them for a couple of days. This is a Very Good Thing.

Categories: 2L, just me


March 22, 2007 Comments off

Four days into my trip away and I have completed two of the three tasks for the EA that were on my list. The third item is much less pressing, and I will be working on it for the next four days or so. I’m stressing a little today over a couple of things that I can’t be around to control–since I’m out of town and all–but I’ve asked some people who are around to keep their eyes peeled, and all I can do is hope that’s enough. ‘Twas a little more stress than I needed this afternoon, but c’est la vie, this is the way of the world.

I am still enjoying my vacation, but the first half of it is about to give way to the second half (read: I’m swapping one family member’s couch for another family member’s couch), and I’m ready. That’s not to say any part of this first half has been “bad” or not enjoyable, but sometimes you can overdose on family time. As it were. Still, I am very grateful that I’m here, at this particular time–without going into gory detail, things have been shaken up around here lately, and I think it’s really important that I was here this week to lend support, be around, etc.

With that being said, I think I’ll surf around a bit, maybe pull down some cases to my computer so I have them later, when I might not have internet access, and relax a bit before dinner.

Categories: 2L, just me

a pretty nice little Wednesday

March 21, 2007 Comments off

Hooray! Upon the advice of my security-minded husband (and with his long-distance help) ((And I should mention, he helped me very ably and patiently, even though I know he hates doing IT support, all while trying to comfort our poor dog, who is terrified of thunderstorms, which apparently Our City is experiencing. I have the best spouse EVAR.)), I have set up a wireless network for my dad. He doesn’t need the wireless, but he does need the extra security a wireless router provides his desktop computer. (Note to people using desktop computers: don’t just plug them directly into the cable modem. Not secure! Easy way to get viruses and spyware!)

At any rate, thus endeth the internet drought for Yours Truly. I can check my email when I want, and without having to have my pops log into his desktop machine. Frankly, it’s probably a bad thing; I don’t need my internet addiction to be enabled. But I do have work to do over the next couple of days, and internet access helps. It’s like a food addiction–you can’t stop eating, so you have to figure out how to manage the addiction. I’m working on it, man, working on it.

Tonight, even, I’m dragging myself away from the computer to go see a basketball game with my dad. It’s a good Spring Break day, though, when you do three or four hours of work-that-needs-to-be-done, get a round of visiting in with a well-liked cousin, do some handiwork (that would be the setting up of the wireless network), and still manage to go to a professional sporting event. This is what EVERY break should be like!

Categories: 2L, just me

vacay update

March 20, 2007 Comments off

Oh my God, I might die.

My dad’s house doesn’t have wireless. I have to use the desktop in the office. And he has to sign in every time I want to use it, twice (it’s got some serious security), and that means I can’t just slip in and check my email whenever. Waa! I mean, I guess I should be happy that at least I have internet access, but I seriously don’t know what I’m going to do if I can’t sit around with my computer and wirelessly surf! ((This reminds me–for this week, particularly, I’d love to have some recommendations and submissions for the Law School Roundup. I’ve actually already gotten one for this week, which is great, but about ten more would be awesome. It’ll be a “Suggested by the Readers” edition, and it will save me some stress, y’all. Just putting it out there–if you see anything that looks awesome, send me an email.))

Well, OK, I do what I’m going to do. I’m going to get my work done. Because instead of browsing my Bloglines every ten minutes, I’m going to have to actually work on the tech script for the Extracurricular Activity (the EA), something that (ha! God is laughing at me!) doesn’t require internet at all. I have, actually, two things to work on for the EA over this week, and neither requires internet, so I guess I’ll be getting those done lickety-split.

Meanwhile, can I say how much I enjoyed sleeping in until 10 am today? I never do that at home. Or, rarely do that at home. Kind of trippy. La vacay, she has begun.

Categories: just me

I don't actually think she can sue for this

March 19, 2007 Comments off

Doesn’t this seem like a classic case of parody? And isn’t parody protected? Sigh.

Also, I’m leaving for my “vacation” today–off to visit family in warmer climes. Do you know how hard it is to pack for warmer weather when you can’t remember what 75° feels like? I hope I brought warm enough stuff; I also hope I didn’t bring stuff that’s TOO warm. Sigh.

Mr. Angst, however, will not be coming with me–he will stay here, taking care of the dog, studying for a certification test, and meeting with potential employers. (He graduates in three months! Yay!) Which is all good stuff, but I wish he were coming with me to visit family. Sigh.

Hm. I appear to be full of sighs today.

it's like my bones are water

March 17, 2007 Comments off

For the first time in days, I took a break without feeling guilty. Mr. Angst and I (and some friends) enjoyed St. Patrick’s Day festivities for several hours. Then we had a home-cooked dinner, and watched a movie on TV, and during all of that I have not once felt a twince of nervous guilt. Oh, sure, there are some things I need to work on before Spring Break is over, but I feel no nervous guilt about not doing them today.

It’s awfully nice, actually, even though I know this nice feeling won’t last. It’ll be gone by tomorrow afternoon, and will likely not be back until, oh, I don’t know…August? Maybe May, but doubtful; my short break between the end of exams and the beginning of work will probably be consumed by journal duties.

But for now, I’m not thinking about the looming stretch of busy-ness. Instead, I’m just sitting on the couch, idly surfing the internet, watching The Usual Suspects with the dog and the husband, and relishing this sense of freedom. May all of you law students enjoy a similar moment during Spring Break, however fleeting.

Categories: 2L, just me