
Archive for October, 2009

new and old

October 1, 2009 4 comments

So I started a new job.

The transition was expected—I’ve been waiting to start this job for over a year now, in fact—and it’s been pretty smooth so far. The biggest change is that I get up every day knowing exactly what I’m supposed to do that day. And that there’s always something to do. ((Note that I do not say the stuff is always interesting. Sometimes it is not. But that’s OK. That would be miraculous indeed, if my work was always interesting.))

I don’t want to make it sound like I am already good at my job—that’s not what I mean when I say I always know what I’m supposed to do. I mean that my tasks each day are clear: read X, write Y, stuff like that. The writing process is a little uncertain, but isn’t it always? At least I know, every day, what my duties are and that, every day, those duties will be there.

This is a far cry from my last job where entire weeks would go by and I would have no clue what I was supposed to be doing, how to do it, or when it was due. And then whole weeks would go by when I didn’t have anything new to do. These things are not good. And, while I don’t want to say I was always miserable, I was often unhappy and stressed at my last job. I’m not unhappy and stressed at my new job. I am barely into it, of course, so there may come a day when my job is stressful, maybe, but for now, it’s terrific.

But my new job is also even more restrictive on me, in terms of what I can say about it and to whom. In other words, I still can’t write about work here, nor do I particularly want to. Given that this blog was intended to chronicle the law school adventure, I think it’s time to wrap it up.

In the next few days, I’m going to migrate all of these posts to a new platform, likely a free one, for archival purposes only. All of these posts will still be out there, on the internets, for posterity, but there won’t be any new ones. I hope what I’ve written continues to be useful; if it’s not, it’s still going to be out there.

And I’ll move on to other outlets. Thanks for reading for so long.

Categories: meta, moving, of note