
Archive for May 11, 2006

the end is in sight, but i have no concept how long it will take to get there

May 11, 2006 Comments off

It appears I have become one of those writers who forgets to do things when she is writing.

Mr. Angst had to force me to stop my Bluebooking so we could go have dinner. That was at 6:30. We got back at maybe 7:30. I thought it was about 8:15 when I started this post. It is actually 9:05. Since we got back, I have listened to the entire Lord of the Rings: Fellowship of the Ring soundtrack, and I am six songs into the Two Towers soundtrack.

I have no idea where all those hours went. What I do know is that I am, miraculously, at the page limit and (I think) all of my cites are in the right order. I wish Word had a function that understood “Id.” and would change it when you move a footnote around. I understand that I can probably use EndNote for that, but EndNote hasn’t proven itself all that helpful for legal citations, despite advertising itself as having the capability to handle legal citations. Maybe someday I’ll have time to sit down and fiddle with the formats so the application becomes more useful. I’m not sure it would have been a great help in a closed universe assignment, anyway.

I’m off to do some printing and editing and more Bluebooking.

Categories: 1L: summer

see? I was right.

May 11, 2006 1 comment

My ass is sore. I mean really, REALLY sore. My shoulders are sore, too, but I don’t have to sit on them.

Categories: just me