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more with the making of things

December 21, 2008

As much as I complain about my Saturdays being taken up with stuff, I would rather be busy than sitting on the couch trying to figure out what TV to watch. To wit, today I got up, went to yoga, made lunch (migas! yum!), dashed out to Target (in the snow, no less), and spent about 4 hours at the sewing machine. While at the sewing machine I made a bag for my sister-in-law, and I love love love the lining, so much so that I might have to buy more of it (sadly, it only appears to be available in combinations of red, white, and black). I also made one of my nephews an adorable little fleece hat (with homemade pompom), and another of my nephews a scarf. Oh, and I finished the second froggie. I have a few more gifts to make, but since I’m getting so much better at the sewing thing, I don’t think they’ll take very long.

What will I occupy my time with when Christmas is over and I don’t have any more gifts to make? I think garments are out of reach for now, and Mr. Angst doesn’t really share my love of decorative pillows. I may have to open an etsy shop.

Categories: crafty
  1. December 21, 2008 at 1:50 pm

    I love etsy! I would totally buy your stuff.

  2. December 21, 2008 at 4:41 pm

    Why are garments out of reach? Pillow to sweater isn’t that far!

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