
Archive for December 16, 2005

free time is so fleeting

December 16, 2005 2 comments

As days go, today was pretty rockin’. I slept WAY in, watched a boatload of DVR’d Buffy episodes, trekked to Target for holiday gear, and now I’m sitting on the couch watching Dodgeball.

I know, it sounds like of lame, right? IT WAS NOT. And it’s getting better, since Mr. Angst and I are going to a holiday party, one with a costume theme. I’m now tricked out in fishnets and leather boots and LOTS of holiday cheer.

But this post isn’t just about my day. It’s also about the future. Yes, kids, that’s right, we’re visiting family for Christmas, and we leave tomorrow. Given the amount of cleaning–and packing–we have to get done tomorrow morning, I suspect posting won’t be high on my list of things to do. And when we get to my folk’s house, I think the internet access will be, um, spotty.

So, expect drastically reduced posting for the next ten or so days, and have safe, wonderful, healthy, and happy holidays. Ta!

Categories: just me