Home > just me > oops


June 29, 2005

By the way, I just pissed off a coworker. Not really through any fault of my own (she’s having issues with a computer upgrade), but I tried to take control and show her what she couldn’t see, and she got upset.

Five weeks. Five weeks. Five weeks.

Update: Watching our IT help her makes me realize why I could never do tech support. I know more than he does about this particular problem, but he’s so much nicer about dealing with newbies. I’m too impatient and get too easily frustrated with luddites.

Categories: just me
  1. June 29, 2005 at 8:15 pm

    I am the same way you are. Unfortunately, that was a big part of my job for three years. I think they were as glad to see me go as I was to leave…

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