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May 31, 2005

As seen at Volokh and L3, Deep Throat appears to have unmasked himself.

I find this VERY INTERESTING. I’ve always thought Deep Throat must have been a very interesting character, from the first time I saw “All the President’s Men” to the writing class I took where we read a great deal of the Watergate journalism.

More as this unfolds!

Update: And the Washington Post confirms it. (Registration required, unfortunately.) Although Woodward seems still a little uncertain that Felt is competent to change the terms of the secrecy agreement, he’s gone ahead and stated that these reports are true.

By the by, it you want to read the Vanity Fair article that started it all, Wonkette has it. It’s not terribly gripping stuff, but it does the trick.

The thing that really gets me is that Felt did what he did out of tremendous loyalty to the Bureau; the other thing that gets me is that he seems to have been weighed down by tremendous guilt over it for the last three decades. In the end, too, it seems money was the motive for revealing himself—not to make himself rich, but to help his family.

Categories: of note
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  1. May 31, 2005 at 1:56 pm
  2. May 31, 2005 at 2:34 pm
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